Antietam Cemetery
The Baltimore American reports that Maryland has appointed commissioners to establish a cemetery in Sharpsburg. The commissioners are Gen. E. Shriver, of Frederick; Dr. Augustine A. Biggs, of Sharpsburg; Thomas A. Boullt, of Hagerstown, and Charles C. Fulton, of Baltimore. At a subsequent meeting, Biggs was elected president, Boult treasurer. The commissioners purchased a ten acre lot near Sharpsburg for the cemetery. Aaron Goode of Sharpsburg, who provided the commissioners with a list indicating the location of over 1,500 graves, was engaged by the commissioners to investigate and expand his list until the remains could be removed.
Article Source
Newspaper: The Herald and Torch Light
Publication Date: June 14th, 1865
Page/Column: 2D
Town: Hagerstown, MD
County: Washington
- Aftermath of War / Reconstruction